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 A Lazy Day?

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PostSubject: A Lazy Day?   A Lazy Day? Icon_minitimeSat Nov 28, 2009 11:05 pm

Kamira lounged back on the chaise in her room, absentmindedly paging through a book that she didn't give two howls about. It wasn't that she didn't care about hunting down the Rebellion, but the trail had gone cold. After massacreing a few more villages and continuing to hone her new skill that she recently discovered on the hapless citizens. Rather than agonizing about not being able to find the group, it was a good idea to relax and take some stress off of her mind. It was then that she actually bothered to read the words on the pages in front of her and discovered that she was reading a bad romance novel. Putting the book down in disgust, she got up off of her comfy spot to exit her room in search of some food.
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PostSubject: Re: A Lazy Day?   A Lazy Day? Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2009 12:35 pm

‘One bright day in the middle of the night…’

“Not real.”

‘Two dead boys got up to fight…’

“Shut up!”

The words ceased, if only for a moment. Dark tendrils of metaphorical smoke wrapped themselves around Yokos mind, clouding his judgment and distorting his ideal world. Though an unwilling servant to a malicious goddess wasn’t necessarily ideal, sanity sure as hell was. He hated being used like this. Though he wanted to grin and bare it for Kitais sake, he didn’t know how much more his fragile mind could handle. At least whatever had been whispering to him was silent for now.

‘Back to back they faced each other…’

“Damn it!”

‘Drew their swords and shot each other…’

This was getting to be too much. He didn’t know what Hel was planning now, but he was tired of going along with. It was almost time to draw the snake out of its hole. He had been working on a little project for the past two years, while the Norse gods had steadily built up their army. If it was successful, it would turn the tide in favor of the Rebellion and hopefully give them a chance.

‘The deaf police man heard this noise…and came and shot those two dead boys…’

Screw it. He was done resisting. Nothing good ever came out of it. Until his plan was carried through, he needed to go with the flow, as much as he dreaded it. He had tried to envision every possible future in which the Rebellion could succeed and he would still live, but he had found none. He hated to break a promise to Kitai, but this was one he wouldn’t be able to keep.

‘If you don’t believe this lie is true…ask the blind man.’

“He saw it too.”
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PostSubject: Re: A Lazy Day?   A Lazy Day? Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2009 12:54 pm

"Hmm, talking to yourself, that's never a good sign." Kamira appeared around the corner with a sandwich. She leaned against the wall and took another bite out of it, swallowing it before she spoke to Yoko again. "Maybe likkle Yoko should go get his head checked. Singing to yourself is one thing, but even I don't talk to myself quite yet. Is not being able to see your little malformed wolf friend driving you insane? Poor likkle Yoko."
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PostSubject: Re: A Lazy Day?   A Lazy Day? Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2009 1:00 pm

“Personally, facts don’t really insult me,” Yoko pointed out. He had had his head checked multiple times, and each result had been the same. He was crazy as fuck. What would one more little check prove? The exact same thing the previous ones had. “Are you so dissatisfied with your life that the only enjoyment you find is teasing me?” he asked absentmindedly. He was becoming so used to Kamiras jokes - which weren’t really as funny as she seemed to think they were - that he just learned to tune her out. “You’ve been hanging around Hel, haven’t you,” he added, taking note of the werewolfs use of the word ‘likkle’ instead of little, and referring to Kitai as being ‘malformed’. Both were things that Hel liked to say.
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PostSubject: Re: A Lazy Day?   A Lazy Day? Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2009 1:38 pm

"Maybe, but maybe I've just learned what has annoyed you before," Kamira said, taking another bite. Teasing Yoko had grown very boring since he seemed to stop caring. The peak of the enjoyment that came from teasing him had been when she convinced him, even for a moment, that she had killed his werewolf girlfriend. "And teasing you, yes, it hasn't been as fun. But it's far from the only thing I enjoy. For example, this sandwich has very good slices of human and tomato in it. I think that I'm enjoying it a lot right now."
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PostSubject: Re: A Lazy Day?   A Lazy Day? Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2009 9:55 pm

Yokos stomach churned at the mention of the word human. "Do your tastes not extend beyond that?" he said, trying hard not to sound agitated. The fox didn't normally get annoyed, but people like Hel and Kamira were exceptions to that rule. He made his way past Kamira, not really wanting to be around her any more. She and Hel seemed to bring out the worst in him. Whatever the 'worst' was - simple agitation.
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PostSubject: Re: A Lazy Day?   A Lazy Day? Icon_minitimeTue Dec 01, 2009 2:08 am

"Unlike lots of the members of your Rebellion thing," Kamira said. "I wasn't bitten and infected. I can't find a single human ancestor in my history, so I have quite different thoughts about eating them than you have. Humans eat cattle, chickens, pigs, and all sorts of other things that any predator would hunt. However, they enjoy their delicacies such as foie gras and pork au gratin, and will gladly eat them instead of a plain old steak. Humans are my delicacy, as they are for most predatory weres that don't deny their nature, and are the most fun to hunt. Today, we happen to have human in the icebox, but I'll kill a deer if I get hungry again later. Even a fox like you should go after some bigger prey once and a while." She finished off the sandwich and licked her lips clean of the clinging tomato juice. Apparently Yoko wasn't insane enough to start eating human, but maybe messing with his head could be even more fun in his madness.
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PostSubject: Re: A Lazy Day?   A Lazy Day? Icon_minitimeTue Dec 01, 2009 1:28 pm

But unlike animals, humans could rationalize. Yoko didn't really point that out however. He felt that no matter what he said to Kamira, it wouldn't change her opinions. So why bother?

One thing he could correct her on...

"I'm a Fennec, about 16 inches long. The biggest meal we can catch is a rodent, or maybe a bird." The main staple of the Fennec diet included berries, insects, eggs, roots, and whatever tiny creatures they could find. Because of his Elain ancestory, he had a bit of a hard time going into a biped wereform. Besides, it just looked like an awkward anthro fox midget. At least in his animal form he was adorable.

But now he was done talking to her. He had places to go, things to do, stuff to see that probably wasn't even there. Damn Hel and her ideas. He shouldered his way past Kamira without a word, just a simple glance.

((I'll bring a certain someone in to entertain Kamira after your next post. ^^))
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PostSubject: Re: A Lazy Day?   A Lazy Day? Icon_minitimeTue Dec 01, 2009 3:59 pm

Kamira chuckled and walked to the corner of the room where a swallow was held inside of a wooden cage. The bird seemed to sense something sinister about the place it was kept it and was constantly rattling its bars. Kamira slipped into the bird's mind like she had been practicing and once again looked over its memories from when she sent it out to scout, checking to make sure that the bird had not seen anything that she herself missed. If the creature ever did find the Rebellion, they would hardly think to kill a random songbird. She took the bird from its cage and tossed it through a bolt hole after giving it an order to return in three days.
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PostSubject: Re: A Lazy Day?   A Lazy Day? Icon_minitimeTue Dec 01, 2009 4:29 pm

Yoko didn't miss Kamiras chuckle as he left, but he tried not to pay any attention to it. It wasn't important now. He shifted form and scampered into a hallway that ran no where, opening a bolt hole and sliding on through. There was one last thing he needed to do outside of Yggdrasil.


"Clever," Fenris said as he sat in the doorway of the room Kamira was in. He had guessed that she was plotting something with the bird, since she didn't seem like the type to want to set innocent things free. Why not put them to work? "How are you getting on these days?" he asked. He wanted to make sure his Rider was well and staying in shape. She would be needed soon.
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PostSubject: Re: A Lazy Day?   A Lazy Day? Icon_minitimeTue Dec 01, 2009 4:35 pm

"A little bored since Yoko became so hard to bother and the Rebellion disappeared off the map," she said, closing the bolt hole that she threw the bird through. "Trying to find them on horseback would just be pointless since they're likely to flee at every sound of hoofbeats. But they wouldn't think twice about a bird, especially one that doesn't seem to be doing anything out of the ordinary. I didn't give it orders to spy, just to fly around as far as it can in three days."
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PostSubject: Re: A Lazy Day?   A Lazy Day? Icon_minitimeTue Dec 01, 2009 4:55 pm

“I understand your restlessness, Kamira,” Fenris said calmly. “But shouldn’t you try and make friends with those you’ll be fighting along side? Even if you don’t really mean it. If there ever is a time where you need help and only Yoko is around to give it, he probably won’t.” He slowly padded up to the werewolf, peering around the room but not moving his head. “Lying is one of the best things you can do here. It’ll gain you the ties you need and break the ones you don’t want. Lie for yourself and for those around you.”
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PostSubject: Re: A Lazy Day?   A Lazy Day? Icon_minitimeTue Dec 01, 2009 6:58 pm

"Ay," Kamira sighed and ran a hand absentmindedly through her hair to get it out of her face. She never bothered to keep her bangs out of her eyes since there was no point in cutting them, but the habit ran back to when she still had her sight. "Never would I willingly accept help from him anyway. He's the brother of the leader of the faction I've been fighting against for years! He wouldn't give me help anyway when the time comes to slaughter all in the Rebellion when it includes the werewolf that he knocked up. He would suspect something if I all of a sudden started acting nice and stopped trying to tease him. I could make him a sandwich, but I doubt he would appreciate my choice in lunch meats."
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PostSubject: Re: A Lazy Day?   A Lazy Day? Icon_minitimeTue Dec 01, 2009 7:21 pm

Fenris frowned slightly when Kamira mention that Yokos brother led the Rebellion. It was a fact that he already knew, but the fact Kamira disliked the fox for it confused him. Siblings didn't nessicarily share the same views on things. Hell, the only common thing he had with his brother and sister were the whole world destroying thing.

"The apple might not fall far from the tree, but don't judge a person for it," Fenris advised. "It could prove a crucial mistake." When Kamira mentioned her choice in lunch meats, the wolf let out a hearty chuckle, almost forgetting about the matter completely.

((Do you want me to bring someone like Hel in? Or perhaps someone Kamira can tease who will actually react (possibly cry XD)?))
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PostSubject: Re: A Lazy Day?   A Lazy Day? Icon_minitimeTue Dec 01, 2009 7:29 pm

"Still, it's doubtful that he wants anything to do with me," Kamira continued. "Even though apparently he's finally snapped. In order to put down that pesky group for good, their leaders need to be killed. That includes the werewolf that has his kid. Hel's going to really have her work cut out for her trying to get him to do anything against her. Still, I might as well go hunting or something to get a deer - maybe try to fake a little peace with that fox by bringing back something he'll actually eat."

((I dunno, it'd be funny to have her make someone cry))
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PostSubject: Re: A Lazy Day?   A Lazy Day? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 02, 2009 4:04 pm

"Enjoy yourself," was the last thing Fenris said to Kamira before he turned and left.


Yoko had been showing himself less and less frequently around Yggdrasil and Nim was starting to worry. True, he was just a servant - and he knew that the fox hadn't forgotten about him - but he still didn't like being around all the big scary people without him. At least he still had his teddy. Snow white and amazingly stain free, Nim held the bear against his chest like a security blanket. Everywhere he went, his bear came with him.

As he rounded a corner, he heard voices up ahead. Frightened, he darted behind a stone statue, heart racing. He heard thick heavy footsteps and figured that it might be Fenris. Hugging his bear tighter, he closed his eyes and counted the number of footsteps until the wolf was gone.

((Okay Kamira, he's all yours. ^o^))
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PostSubject: Re: A Lazy Day?   A Lazy Day? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 02, 2009 6:08 pm

Kamira wondered why Fenris had said "have fun" until she noticed Nim hiding behind the statue. Not only were his heavy, scared breathing and racing heart clearly audible, but the vibrations made from when he dashed to his hiding place still spread out around the room like ripples in a pond.

"What've we got here?" Kamira asked, pulling Nim out from behind the statue by the back of his shirt and into the air so his face was level with hers. "Perhaps a fly sitting on the wall listening to a conversation?"
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PostSubject: Re: A Lazy Day?   A Lazy Day? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 02, 2009 7:57 pm

Nim squeaked, clutching his teddy bear tighter. Yoko had told him about Kamira, also mentioning that he should never speak to her. Still, he felt he needed to say something. She might get angry if he just sat there like a deer in headlights. "N-No. I-I-I wasn't. Honestly," he gasped.

((short post is short.))
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PostSubject: Re: A Lazy Day?   A Lazy Day? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 02, 2009 8:29 pm

"Really now?" Kamira asked incredulously. "Because I think that the little fox that you follow around isn't entirely loyal to this cause. You couldn't have been trying to gain information to give to him? Though I will let you off if you swear not to say anything." She released her grip on Nim's shit to drop him to the ground and took his teddy bear from his arms, holding it by the back of its neck up to her face. After a couple moments, she casually tossed it aside. "Thankfully for you, I'm above torturing children," she said, starting to leave the room. "I'll never understand this obsession with plush bears."
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PostSubject: Re: A Lazy Day?   A Lazy Day? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 03, 2009 6:39 pm

Nim tried to swallow past the lump in his throat as tears gathered at the corners of his eyes. He didn't know why he was starting to cry. He was scared, yes, but Kamira wasn't acting like she was going to kill him. "I-I didn't hear a-anything," he stammered. He let out a small cry when Kamira dropped him and took his teddy bear, quickly scrambling to grab it when she tossed it to the side.

((Have you ever played Kuon?))
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PostSubject: Re: A Lazy Day?   A Lazy Day? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 03, 2009 7:45 pm

(( no, I havn't. I can't stay on right now, but I might be back later))

Once Kamira was sure she was out of earshot, she punched the wall in frustration, which simultaneously caused a burst of 'vision' for her as the sound and vibrations traveled around the hallway. "Dammit!," she swore. She really didn't torture children, especially inhuman children. It was the one weakness that she never let anyone know about. Even when raiding a town she struck blows that would kill them instantly. Their innocent looks reminded her too much of what she had been.
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PostSubject: Re: A Lazy Day?   A Lazy Day? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 03, 2009 7:50 pm

((I more than likely won't be on. TT^TT

I'll reply to this when I think of something interesting.

by the way, Kuon is a japanese survival horror game. Scares the freak out of me. Bodies get up and walk away, Gakis come and attack you. It's like the Grudge meets Silent Hill. o0))
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PostSubject: Re: A Lazy Day?   A Lazy Day? Icon_minitimeSat Dec 19, 2009 5:13 pm

Later (wow, that was specific)

Kamira held out a finger and the sparrow hopped onto it, chirping a single note. The look in its eyes was frightened, but it was compelled to obey her commands. Taking a short breath, she slipped into its already conquered mind and sorted through what it had seen during the three days she let it out. It saw a couple groups travelling, but none of those groups had a recognizable member of the Rebellion or Society with them, and so did not interest her. Before leaving its mind, she gave it another command

More spying, but fly over the deserts. return in four days.

That was where their leader's mate was from - the Rebellion would be bound to go for help there sooner or later.
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